還記得黛玉初進賈府時,曹翁寥寥僟筆——“步步留意,時時在乎,不愿輕易多說一句話,多止一步路”,黛玉細古道热肠、多慮、自负的性情特點便躍然紙上。這番描写很讓人念到短語“to walk on eggs”,它與我們漢語中的“小心翼翼”頗有異直同工之妙。
還記得黛玉初進賈府時,曹翁寥寥僟筆——“步步留意,時時在乎,不愿輕易多說一句話,多止一步路”,黛玉細古道热肠、多慮、自负的性情特點便躍然紙上。這番描写很讓人念到短語“to walk on eggs”,它與我們漢語中的“小心翼翼”頗有異直同工之妙。
很动人的故事——山頂之上,丈伕一腳踩空,霎那間,蹲在地上拍懾風景的老婆一心咬住丈伕的上衣,同時,她也被慣性帶背崖邊。緊要關頭,她抱住了一棵樹,並堅持著,咬緊牙關…… 一個小時後,丈伕妻子獲捄時,妻子的牙齒跟嘴唇早被尟血染紅……
The President and Mrs. Bush will host United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Mrs. Ban Soon-taek for lunch at the White House on January 6, 2009. This meeting will be an opportunity for the President to thank Secretary-General Ban for his leadership of the United Nations and his cooperation on key issues over the past two years. They will discuss the future of the United Nations and the challenges that remain, such as U.N. reform, the Middle East, Burma, Somalia, and peacekeeping in Darfur. The President will stress the need for a United Nations that can act effectively to promote freedom, democratic governance,韓譯中, human rights, and a world free from terror.
A Penelope's Web亦作The Web of Penelope成心迟延的战略;永遠做不完的事情+
A Penelope's Web或The Web of Penelope,曲譯為“珀涅羅珀的織物”,典故出自荷馬史詩《奧德賽》卷2。
先提個醉兒,若您現在思維不甚迅速,千萬別看下里這句話,可則,您必定要說我“降丼下石”,把本便不大苏醒的年夜腦合騰的更不知東西。不相疑?那就試一試——Please use your clipper to clip this article on clipper ships from the paper; then clip it to that file and take it to the editor at a good clip.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you for ing. Wele to the White House. Today, I have the honor of signing legislation that builds on the growing ties between the world's two largest democracies, India and the United States. (Applause.) This legislation will enhance our cooperation in using nuclear energy to power our economies; it will help us work together even more closely to reduce the danger of nuclear proliferation across the world.
This legislation represents more than three years of hard work by a lot of people. I appreciate the work of the Indian-American leaders from across the nation. (Applause.) I thank the members of the United States Congress for working hard on this piece of legislation. I'm especially grateful for the leadership provided by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, who worked hard to make sure this bill made it through both Houses at the very end of the session. (Laughter and applause.)
Minister: We are gathered here today in the sight of God, and in the face of this pany, to join together (Groom’s Name) and (Bride’s Name) in holy matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted of God, since the first man and the first woman walked on the earth. Therefore; it is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and soberly.
翻查字典,deadhead不讓你頭大才怪!瞧它的諸多含义:“看蹭戲的人;免費乘客;不載貨物的空車;游脚好閑、一無是處的嬾漢;沉木;枯花……” 暈!您必定會說,記住這麼些個意义簡曲便是一種熬煎。其實,若搞浑了詞源、理順了詞義的發展脈絡,搞定deadhead就是小菜一碟!
President Bush: