• Aug 05 Mon 2013 17:02
  • 收那



基隆翻譯社 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Aug 02 Fri 2013 15:06
  • odds

With security tightened around her, bookmaker William Hill has cut the odds of a 20 wedding from 6-1 to 3-1.

由於對她的保险事情减強了,William Hill博彩公司已經把20結婚之事的賠率從1賠6變成了1賠3。

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寫人最忌寫“紙人”,人物要尟活重在形神俱備的刻畫,如魯迅《故鄉》中的楊两嫂 —— 凸顴骨,薄嘴唇;兩手搭在髀間,張著兩腳,正像…… 寥寥僟筆,便可粗知她尖痠苛刻的性情。“搭在髀間”?若何描述這一“雙手叉腰”的姿勢?

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  起首列出與話題有關的英語詞匯: bachelor, domestic, domesticate, poultry, wild fowl, benedict……

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北外教学莊繹傳翻譯漫談: 翻譯的樂趣


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After Being Convicted Of Voting In The 1872 Presidential Election
Famous Speech by Susan B. Anthony

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October 24, 20

THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank the members of my Cabinet for being here today to discuss a lot of issues. I started off the meeting by summarizing a series of conversations that I've had regarding the fires in Southern California. I had a conversation with Governor Schwarzenegger. My question to him was,法翻中, are you getting what you need; are the people there in California getting the help they need from the federal agencies to help the good folks in California deal with these devastating fires? His answer was, yes. I assured him that if he needs anything, then, great, we'll provide it, we'll do so.

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October 25, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I'm on my way out to California. I'm looking forward to seeing Governor Schwarzenegger, to thank him for all the good work that the state and local authorities are doing to help the good people of Southern California battle these wildfires. I will assure the people of California that the federal government will be deploying resources, assets, and manpower necessary to help fight these fires. As well, I will assure them that there's a -- because of the declaration I signed yesterday, there will be help for the people of California. Evidently the winds are more favorable today, which should be encouraging to the firefighters.

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October 30, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. I just had a very constructive and important meeting with the leadership and the Republican members of the United States House of Representatives. And I want to thank you all for ing down, and thank you for your leadership.

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